Community Cloudcast - Discussing the true cost of Cloud Computing

I recently had the opportunity to join the crew from Community Cloudcast to discuss the true cost of moving to the cloud. Normally, the show has three hosts: Eric Shupps, Jason Himmelstein, and Paul McCollum.
Unfortunately, Jason and Paul were not available, so Eric and I tackled the subject on our own. As always, discussions with Eric are very informative, as well as entertaining.
You can watch the entire webcast below. I had a lot of fun doing this and hope to be invited back for future discussions.
Episode 12 - The True Cost of Cloud ComputingJoin us along with special guest Don Kirkham, Microsoft MVP, as we discuss the true, and often surprising, costs of moving critical business applications and infrastructure to the cloud.
Posted by Community CloudCast on Thursday, June 23, 2022